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Client Portal

Powered by SmartVault


The client portal powered by SmartVault is a secure online document storage solution with AES 256 encryption to keep your data safe as well as accessible. Our office uses this portal to store your completed tax returns and the relevant source documents. Each client can also upload digital files to their portal for tax preparation. 

If you have already accepted an invitation from our office to SmartVault, you can login to your account by going to or use the client portal button at the top of the page. 

Request Portal Access

To request access to your client portal in SmartVault, or if you are a new client needing to upload documents, please complete the form below. 


If you are a returning client where we prepared your prior year tax return, a detailed Client Organizer has already been uploaded to your client portal.

If you would like a printed copy of your organizer, please complete the request below. We will print the organizer and have it ready for you to pick up at the office.

Thanks for submitting!


The intake questionnaire and engagement letter are required for all individual clients each year.

Forms for partnerships, multi-member LLCs, S-corporations, estates, and trusts will be provided upon request.

All forms are also available in our office for your convenience.

Click the button below to complete the annual Intake Questionnaire and Engagement letter online. 

The worksheets are provided in pdf format. For best results, download the documents, and use Adobe Acrobat Reader to view, fill, and save your worksheets. You may download a free version of Adobe Acrobat Reader by clicking the link below:

Adobe Acrobat logo


The following links are here for your convenience: 

Where's my refund?
How do I calculate withholdings?
How can I pay tax?
Other helpful links
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